Mount Rogers
Trail Club
Plugin error: This URL is not valid for embedding: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRR3Fl62qkc
P.O. Box 789 Damascus, VA 24236-0789
General Questions, send email to: mtrogersatc@gmail.com
To participate in trail work or a recreational hike with the club, click on the sidebar for Current Week's Information and sign up, using the email link provided with the activity you are interested in. We would love to have you join us!
Trails Committee - email: mratcinfo@gmail.com to report maintenance problems on the trail
(Links to other pages are listed on the right under "sidebar)
The MOUNT ROGERS APPALACHIAN TRAIL CLUB, a member of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, was organized February 29, 1960. The club has maintenance responsibilities for 59.4 miles of the APPALACHIAN TRAIL in the Jefferson National Forest, Mount Rogers National Recreation Area, Grayson Highlands State Park and additional trails in the area.
The primary focus of the MOUNT ROGERS APPALACHIAN TRAIL CLUB is to help ensure that the APPALACHIAN TRAIL remains available for future generations, fulfill its maintenance responsibilities to the highest degree possible, undertake projects that would enhance use of the Trail without sacrifice of beauty or serenity and provide opportunity for Club members to enjoy activities associated with the Trail.
MRATC T-shirts

Order your MRATC T-shirts now! Click on the Tshirt picture to find out the details on how to order.
DEADLINE - December 8, 2023 so get yours ordered quickly!
The footbridge on the AT over Comers Creek near the Falls has been removed due to structural problems.
During times of low-water, hikers can cross the creek using the steps and stepstones that have been installed until a new bridge can be approved and funded by the National Park Service.
In times when high water is suspected:
Southbound hikers should use the detour on the side road (Rte. 650), starting at the jct. of Rtes. 16/650, and following blue blazes for about 1.5 miles, then turning left on the blue-blazed 4/10 mile long Dickey Gap Trail across from Hurricane Campground to rejoin the AT and turn right to continue south.
Northbound hikers should turn left onto the Dickey Gap Trail (about a mile south of Comers Creek Falls), then turn right and follow blue blazes on the road to Dickey Gap (jct. of Rtes. 16/650) to re-join the AT, turning left to continue north.
Backpackers: Be Bear Aware!
Because there have been bear/human encounters at campsites in the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area, and bears have learned to pull down food bags hung in trees, it is highly recommended that anyone camping overnight bring bear canisters or put their food and "smellables" in the metal bear boxes installed at nine locations.
AT R8 Food Storage Order 08-00-00-21-02R signed 14Apr2023.pdf
Boxes located at:
Miles north of Damascus
Saunders Shelter
Lost Mtn. Shelter
just north of Thomas Knob Shelter
just south of Rhododendron Gap
just north of Wise Shelter
The Scales
Old Orchard Shelter
Hurricane Mtn. Shelter
Trimpi Shelter
Damascus Trail Center:
209 W. Laurel Ave. Damascus, VA 24236
The Appalachian Trail goes down the main street of Damascus, VA. The Town has set up a brick pathway to celebrate the Trail and the many hikers who have hiked through Town.

Note: Activities are also posted on the MRATC FACEBOOK PAGE! Come check it out and join us!
Check out MRATC information and activities on Instagram: mountrogersATclub.
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This website was born on 08/15/1998.
Last updated on 12/13/2023
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